Contact Information

Tayrex Corp.
600 South White Horse Pike
Lindenwold, NJ 08021
(856) 429-1818

Sales Contacts
USA+ 1 (609) 792-0204
International:+ 972 (53) 275-8891

Work Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST Sat & Sun: Closed Customer service will respond according to SLA
For question, comment, or would like Tayrex free 2 hours consultant, please fill the form below or call us any time at (856) 429-1818.

Tayrex History

Tayrex Corporation was formed in April 2002 as a software and consulting firm.
Before the official formation of Tayrex, the officers start operating from their home offices starting at the end of year 2000 with the Idea to use the internet network to the advantage for small business that had more then one physical location and can get a great benefit of Free/inexpensive network.
Knowledge sharing portal was the first product that was developed, which allow entities within(employees) or outside the company (suppliers) to share information (any type of document) with a group that the entity creates with no exposer to other.
Although the Knowledge sharing portal was a good product in our view, it did not take off. This lead us to switch to a different approach and developing custom applications using the platform EII that the Knowledge sharing was build on. The first application was developed for a cell phone retailer with multi stores location. We managed all point of seal, contracts and inventory which was processed on the main server.
From this point many other custom applications were developed in many area as fulfillment warehouse, CRM, EDI, Dispatch system and many other. We at Tayrex along with a state of the art product we followed with excellent service securing full benefits from our products.


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